Volunteer Confidentiality Expectations
Volunteers should realize that they have a position of trust. Personal information pertaining to students or staff, as well as conversations between parents, teachers, staff members, and students MUST be kept confidential. Volunteers are NOT permitted to view any part of a student's records including test scores, report cards, attendance reports, or any other document.
Importance of Volunteer Confidentiality
- Any information obtained or situations witnessed while volunteering at the school should be considered confidential and not be discussed with any other students, parents, or staff outside the school setting.
- Please understand that posting student pictures and information on social sites such as Facebook and twitter violates our sense of confidentiality that helps maintain a healthy school community. Confidentiality helps maintain a culture of trust and learning in the classroom. As a school, we share out about school events knowing which students have authorization.
- What you hear/observe about students or staff while volunteering in a school is confidential. Even a seemingly harmless comment repeated to another can be misunderstood and cause harm to the school team, a family or child. If a parent asks how their child is doing, please refer them to the classroom teacher.
Whether you are volunteering on a regular basis or for a one-time project or event, arrive a little early so there is time for communication and direction. Also, be sure to let the teacher or staff member know when your schedule changes. If you are unable to make it to school when you are expected, please call the school and leave a message. Similarly, school staff will contact you if your volunteer time is changed or cancelled for any unforeseen reason.
We respect your time, interest and talents and will make every effort to utilize them efficiently. Let school personnel know how you can best contribute. Please fill out a volunteer information survey that can be found in the office. Your input may lead to the development of additional volunteer opportunities.
We Are A Team
- As a school volunteer, you are a role model for students. Setting a good example of professionalism and good citizenship is expected from all adults at our school.
- Your role, when volunteering, is to support the teacher and the students. Please follow the teacher's direction, maintain attention towards the task at hand, support students doing the work themselves and use encouragement and a positive attitude to contribute to a healthy learning environment.
- Richard Crane's number one priority is the safety of students and staff. All visitors to the Richard Crane campus are expected to sign-in at the front office before volunteering to get a guest pass. Volunteers must wear a volunteer badge while volunteering and remember to check out in the school's office before leaving.
- It is crucial that the lines of communication stay open and clear. If you are unsure about what is expected of you or how to use certain office equipment, please ask a staff member for direction or assistance.We are appreciative of all persons who are willing to commit time and energy to helping students succeed and to provide an excellent place of learning for all students.